What's Worth What

Click here to see the posts only for the segment What's Worth What. Thanks! ~Victory
This page will show what's worth what. You may find some of these ridiculous, but I didn't make up what was worth what. Like, who knew a worn was worth a spiked collar you can just buy? Okay, so today's item is an item that is very high in demand; the claw machine. Rare.

So, before the BETAs came back, these were so rare and so high in demand. Somebody even charged me a skully one time (of course I thought that was odd since AJ deleted them). Before, they were probably worth two gazelle horns, a rare spike, and a colorful glove (add a little more). Now they're worth a rare spiked collar or wristband, a rare headdress, two rare bows (preferably black and orange) and a rare horn helmet (which I got by trading two bird feeders. Weird, right?), or possibly the non-member wooden floor and the BETA planet walls. Or you could win it in TFD (the Forgotten Desert) like I did!

They are not very rare now, but still kind of good. Be careful, though, because some people know they're not that rare anymore but like to charge overtrades. Once, I traded Yellow Sweets (ice cream and candy BETA wallpaper. Very cheery) for a claw machine and they declined. If you have one, you should keep it. I quit trading to prove that the BETA Days were in 2010, and that they're the past, and they should NOT come back. I have quit trading for about five days now (it helped that AJ disabled my trading for today :I weird, I didn't scan or troll anyone. 15 more hours to go) and will probably do that until July 4.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just posted this today but wrote it July 3rd. That's why it says my trading was disabled until July 4. Also, sorry that my other page 'The Not Anymore BETAs' isn't showing up if you're trying. I'm trying to fix that! :)


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