Friday, June 27, 2014

New Items in Jamaa

Okay, so today AJHQ updated the newspaper. What caught my eye the most was that they added a new den, the Crystal Palace. It's huge, according to some of my friends that already bought it. Unfortunately, they are in the Diamond Shop, and even worse, unlike the other diamond dens, they're seven diamonds instead of five. I have to say, it's worth it. The picture in the Diamond Shop doesn't show the lava puddle (it's not really a ravine) and the mine below your den. I'd save up for that stylish den.

The other new items are pet giraffes! Considering how insanely adorable they are, I had to spend my three diamonds on one. So much for saving up for the den :) but it was worth it. They are so, so, so cute! If you're saving up for something and have extra diamonds after buying it, buy the pet giraffe. You won't regret it!
You might know Epic Wonders, the secret store located behind the waterfall of Coral Canyons. But did you know that every accessory is now half off? I would buy the designer skirt, because I know that is leaving stores soon. I wish den items were half off so I could buy the gold brick for only 5,000 gems.
I know this isn't an item, but the Freedom Party is on for the fourth of July! I have been saving up my freedom items for a while. I have a rare freedom glove, freedom wings, freedom dragon mask, freedom top hat, a rare freedom mask, last Rare Monday's freedom sword, and the freedom bunny hat. My bunny and my fox are going to be wearing my freedom items. If you want any, jam-a-gram me. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm saving up for the den, since it's so awesome! Then I'll save up for a giraffe

    Luckily my fellow beans gave me a tail armor and I get to keep it! I can now live in peace XD


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