Next is the Beta Party! It has a den that is no longer sold and everything in it is BETA except the items that are sold. So far, their items say 'Beta,' but are not. Maybe they will add real BETAs. I hope so! I could buy my friend a Founder's Hat without telling me I bought it (lol :D).
Next is the new animal! Happy says it's an otter, but I'm not sure. I will give Happy a rare if it's for the Diamond Shop!
The new accessory is the Ribbon Scarf, which is just like that certain piece of Wind Armor. It's 500 gems for non-members at tons of different colors!
You get to vote for your own set of den items now, so I voted for the Ice Cream Parlor! I had a hard time choosing between that and the Hair Salon, but oh well! Bye :)
Like the new blog layout?? :D I know I do